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Vocations Resources

Download the Vocations Sunday Poster

This year we have also been given the RTE 1 televised Mass on Vocations Sunday at 10 am.


Lord, make me a better person, more considerate towards others, more honest with myself, more faithful to you. Make me generous enough to want to do your will, whatever it may be. Help me find my true vocation in life and grant that through it, I may find happiness myself and bring happiness to others. We pray through Christ our Lord, AMEN

Family Vocation Prayer

Jesus, you are the Good Shepherd who is always mindful of your Church. Watch over those who are baptised in your name, and grant peace and harmony to all families. Bless all parents, and help them to find peace and happiness through their vocation. We ask you to help all young people to discover the vocation that will enable them to live life to the full as they become their best selves in the service of God’s Kingdom, We make this prayer in your name, Amen.

Prayer for young people discerning their Vocation

God, I know you love me and are calling me to choose life. But sometimes, I am overwhelmed by the thoughts of my future. Help me to listen to your call, in all the ways you speak to me: through prayer and the scriptures, through the Church and the circumstances of my life, through those who love and care for me, and through my own hopes and desires. Guide me to search openly and learn about life’s choices, so that I may respond generously to your call, and choose the vocation and career that will enable me to love wholeheartedly, and serve others with the special gifts you have given me. God, today, I thank you for your love and for all things, Amen.