The website can be accessed at
On Tuesday evening, a new website on “Priesthood in the Archdiocese of Armagh” was launched in the Synod Hall at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh. The website which is the fruit of much work over the last few months is very creative and it contains a lot of information as well as a number of video clips from different priests and students from the diocese. Representatives from schools and parishes across the diocese attended on the evening as well as representatives from many of the different branches of St Joseph’s Young Priests Society.
Fr Peter McAnenly welcomed all present and following the welcome, there was a beautiful prayer service, the music for which was provided by Stonebridge Folk Group. The main speaker on the evening was Dr Eamon Martin, Coadjutor Archbishop of Armagh. After he formally launched the new website, a few video clips from the site were shown by Mr Damien Quigley, a student for the diocese who was largely responsible for designing the site.
In his address, Archbishop Martin said “We must never neglect the need to pray for vocations and if we want to reap an abundant harvest, we have much work to do”. He went on to say that “We need to be in partnership with God, in order to reap that harvest” and he also referred to Pope Francis’ message for Vocations Sunday this year where he said “A vocation is a fruit that ripens in a well cultivated field of mutual love that becomes mutual service”.
A member of the Diocesan Vocations Team shared a few words on the value of the priest in our world today and a member of St Joseph’s Young Priests Society spoke of the work of the society.
Fr Peter who is Director of Vocations for the diocese said:
“It’s hoped that this new site will be of great help to any man who is discerning the call to priesthood”. He added “As the number of priests in our diocese continues to decline, all of us need to be pro active in promoting the call. We need to be constantly praying that more men will respond to God’s call and give of their lives for service at this time”.
Click here to read Address made by Archbishop Eamon at the launch
Click here to read the Irish Bishops document for Vocation Sunday.
Lord, make me a better person, more considerate towards others, more honest with myself, more faithful to you. Make me generous enough to want to do your will, whatever it may be. Help me find my true vocation in life and grant that through it, I may find happiness myself and bring happiness to others. We pray through Christ our Lord, AMEN
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