Episcopal Ordination Mass
of Father Michael Router as Auxiliary Bishop of Armagh
21 July 2019 at 3.00 pm
St Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh.
On Sunday 21 July at 3pm Father Michael Router will be ordained Auxiliary Bishop of Armagh in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh.
Below are details for attendees and for those who wish to watch the Ordination Mass live on the Internet.
For Invitees
All admission cards have been allocated and should be brought with you on the day to ensure admittance.
Please be seated by 2.30p.m.
Car parking details are included on the reverse of your admission card.
Click here to view a map which outlines car parks.
For Clergy
Please bring a valid Celebret Card in order to concelebrate the Mass of Ordination.
Please be vested by 2.25 pm. Vesting is in the Cardinal Tómas O’Fiaich Memorial Library. Please bring an Alb. A Chasuble and Stole will be provided.
Watch live on the Internet
St Patrick’s Cathedral web cam will have a live stream of the Ordination Ceremony. It will be possible to watch the Ceremony live on the following sites:
We hope that this will help you feel connected with those gathered at the Ordination Mass.
General Information
Bishop Michael Router will greet people on the steps of St Patrick’s Cathedral after the Ordination Ceremony.
Vigil Mass on Saturday 20 April at 7.00 pm. During the Mass, the blessing of the Pontifical Insignia will take place. As we gather on the Feast of the Dedication of St Patrick’s Cathedral, Archbishop Eamon will bless Bishop Michael’s Pastoral Ring, Staff and Mitre. After Mass, there will be Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, concluding with Benediction at 8.30pm, during which time we will pray for Fr Michael as he begins his new ministry. Everyone welcome.
On Monday 22 July at 7.30 pm in St Malachy’s Church, Armagh Fr Michael will celebrate his first Mass of Thanksgiving, to give thanks to God for his calling as Bishop and to pray God’s blessing on his work and ministry in the years to come. After the Mass, he will impart his blessing to all present. Everyone welcome. St Malachy’s web cam will have a live stream of the Mass of Thanksgiving. It will be possible to watch the Mass live on the following site:
Invitation to Prayer
O God, eternal Shepherd,
you care for your flock with tender love,
and chose
your servant and priest,
Michael Router
to the ministry of Bishop
in the Archdiocese of Armagh.
Grant, we pray,
that by his holiness of life
he may everywhere prove
to be a faithful witness to Christ.
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