Easter Week Schedule Archbishop Eamon and Bishop Michael

Archbishop Eamon and Bishop Michael will be presiding at the following Liturgies and Ceremonies during Holy Week and Easter.  Given that Holy Week and Easter will be different and perhaps difficult for many this year, Archbishop Eamon and Bishop Michael extend a warm welcome to join them via the respective webcam’s. 

Details and links to the webcams are provided below: 

  Detail Time Location  Webcam Link 
Palm Sunday (Vigil)  Bishop Michael  6pm


Church of the Immaculate Conception Kilkerley

Link: Church of the Immaculate Conception, Kilkerly
Palm Sunday Archbishop Eamon

Palm Sunday mass.


St. Patrick’s Cathedral Armagh. 

St. Patrick’s Cathedral Armagh
Palm Sunday Archbishop Eamon

Palm Sunday Prayer 


Archbishop Eamon’s Oratory

Archbishop Eamon’s Oratory
Tues Archbishop Eamon

Rite of Contrition

7.30pm St. Malachy’s, Armagh Link: St. Malachy’s Armagh
Wed Archbishop Eamon

Chrism Mass

7pm  St. Patrick’s Cathedral Armagh. Link: St. Patrick’s Armagh
Holy Thurs Archbishop Eamon

Mass of the Last Supper

7.30pm St. Patrick’s Cathedral Armagh. Link: St. Patricks Armagh
Holy Thur
Bishop Michael

Mass of the Last Supper

7.30pm Redemptorists St. Joesph’s Dundalk  Link: St. Joesph’s Dundalk
Good Friday Archbishop Eamon


3pm St. Patrick’s Cathedral Armagh Link: St. Patrick’s Cathedral
Good Friday Bishop Michael


3pm St. Peters Church Drogheda Link: St Peter’s Drogheda
Easter Vigil Archbishop Eamon  9pm St. Patrick’s Cathedral Armagh. Link: St. Patrick’s Cathedral
Easter Sunday Bishop Michael 11am St. Patrick’s Cathedral Armagh Link: St. Patrick’s Cathedral