As a diocese we provide opportunities for our young people to become leaders within their local community and within the ADYC leadership team. This occurs through professional courses and also in house training and mentoring. We believe that enabling youth people to lead other young people in their faith is most effective and it nourishes each persons baptismal call to share the Gospel of Jesus.
We work closely with agencies like YouthLink that:
- provide excellence in all aspects of youth work and leadership training;
- encourage and equip young people to participate in Church and society and in the building of a shared future;
- collaborate with Church bodies, youth organisations and all sectors with responsibility for young people;
- facilitate strategies for the development of youth ministry within the Churches;
- Integrate equity, diversity and interdependence into all aspects of policy and practice in youth work and ministry.
Youth Link’s vision is of Churches working together to develop excellence in youth work and ministry, enabling young people and youth practitioners to be agents of transformation in a divided society.
Courses attended in the past:
Practical Youth Ministry Skills
Accreditation: OCN Level 1
Good Relations and Cultural Diversity
Accreditation: OCN Level 1
Certificate in Youthwork Practice
Accreditation: OCN Level 3 (Equivalent)
Youth & Community Work & Practical Theology (BA Hons)
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