How do you enter the competition?
Produce a short clip (2 mins. Max) on Trócaire’s theme ‘WATER FOR LIFE’ for Lent 2014. Once you have recorded, edited, cropped and bedazzaled the clip, upload it to your own YouTube page, eg. Your own one or the schools. Once you have a YouTube link for your clip (you will find that under the ‘Share’ option on YouTube), email it to [email protected] and we will add it to our own YouTube channel: Armagh Trocaire. Follow us on Twitter (@armaghtrocaire) so you can see who else is competing with you !
Get everyone in your school and all your family and friends to visit the Armagh Trócaire channel on YouTube and iCatholic and ‘like’ your video 🙂
Judging Panel will give a little prize to the most popular (number of likes) and most “on theme” ‘mini-films’ at primary and post-primary level.
Closing date is Easter Sunday 20th April.
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