150th Anniversary of the Dedication of St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh

Today in the Archdiocese of Armagh, we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the first dedication of St Patrick’s Cathedral which took place on 24 August 1873.
A weekend of celebrations will be led by Archbishop Eamon who invites all across the Archdiocese of Armagh to take part.
This weekends events begins today, Thursday 24 August with A Celebration for the Families of the Archdiocese of Armagh in the Shambles Yard (at the main gates of the Cathedral) followed by Evening Prayer in St Patrick’s Cathedral. A new Icon to mark the 150th anniversary of the cathedrals dedication will be commissioned at evening prayer this evening.
On Sunday 27 August at 11am a Mass of Thanksgiving will take place in St Patrick’s Cathedral. The Celebrant will be Cardinal Timothy Dolan (Archbishop of New York)
Cathedral Souvenir Booklet
To mark this significant milestone a lovely booklet has been written by Jack O’Hare, and is now on sale in St Patrick’s Cathedral Giftshop.
In this special year, we invite people to make a special effort to visit the Cathedral and to light a candle and say a prayer, in gratitude for those who built it and all who have helped maintain it over the years. We also invite people to offer a donation when visiting the Mother Church of the Archdiocese, to help support the Cathedral in the future.
St Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh
1873 – 2023
Heavenly Father, as we celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Dedication of
St Patrick’s Cathedral, we give thanks for the years of faith,
hope and love that has been expressed within it.
Renew within our Cathedral your spirit of generosity, as we seek to follow
in your footsteps and as we strive to do your will.
Teach us to love as you love and to listen as you listen.
Enlighten our minds and hearts so that we may see your
plan and as we continue to journey in faith, following
in the footsteps of Patrick, your Apostle.
Renew our Cathedral Church so that it may be
a place of grace for all,
a place of growth for the young,
a place of refreshment for the old,
a place of renewal for families,
a place of healing for the broken,
a place of joy for the sorrowful,
a place of forgiveness for the sinner,
a place of strength for the virtuous
and a place of welcome for those who have been away.
We make our prayer through Our Lord Jesus Christ your Son,
in union with the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever,
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